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Image by Ryan Moreno

Mini Coaching Journey

Reiki and Coaching for Confidence, Clarity, and Trust:
A 3 Session Mentoring Journey

What does a 3 session mentoring journey look like? 


"Consciously directed intentions and energy can profoundly and positively impact one's quality of life" ~ Luanne Ferner


Successful people who have lasting transformation integrate some form of intention, ritual and energy work into their daily routines.


Being self-aware, present and grounded in your body allows you to live from a place of compassion, acceptance, and grace.


It allows you to be fluid and pivot as needed. It allows you to stay connected with yourself and others from a place of peace, love and appreciation.

Allowing limitless possibilities to unfold in your life.

This journey will get you started on your path of discovery, embodiment, and self-mastery.


You will gain trust and confidence in yourself. Connecting with your life on a profoundly deep and authentic Soul level, thereby creating a life beyond your wildest dreams.

You will release emotional, mental, and physical blocks that affect your ability to receive abundance and trust in your Soul’s guidance, as it pertains to living a confident authentic personally fulfilling life.

The Reiki sessions will enhance your intuition and strengthen your connection to your Soul, as well as your ability to follow its guidance.

Deep compassionate guided self-inquiry will help you install new patterns of thought and habits that support your desires and dreams. Replacing limiting beliefs, thoughts, habits and even ancestral and karmic patterns that no longer serve you.

You will gain mastery over your thoughts, feelings and energy, becoming a conduit of loving change. Whatever that means to you and however you choose to express yourself in this world.

How does this journey work?

Over the course of three tailored private virtual sessions (phone or Google Meet), you’ll receive two Reiki/coaching sessions (90 min each), a Reiki attunement (60 min), and a customized self-reiki practice.

The two 90-minute Reiki/coaching sessions will focus on releasing stagnant energy, emotions, wounds and burdens that are blocking your energy flow and connection to your Soul and higher knowing.

To ensure you can integrate the energy healing that occurs during these sessions, we will have a debrief at the end of each session where I share insights and intuitive guidance I received on your behalf. We can also go through insights, guidance or questions that arose for you during the session, if you so choose.

You will leave with tools, practices and techniques to help gain further clarity, awareness, and intention.

In the third 60-minute session, you will receive a Reiki attunement and a customized self-reiki practice. A Reiki attunement is a highly energetic process whereby a Reiki Master opens up and transfers Reiki energy into your energy field, so you can be a more clear and efficient channel for Reiki healing energy. An attunement will fundamentally enhance your vibrational signature and open you up to hearing more of your intuitive guidance that is always there.

I will design a custom self-reiki practice, based on the intuitive guidance I received from your Soul and Spirit guides during your attunement and your specific needs and life situation. When done regularly, with intention, during our time together and afterward, it will continue to enhance your desired transformation.

Your Investment: $333 for 3 sessions

If you’re interested in booking a free Breakthrough Consultation to discuss if this offering is right for you, click the button below.

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